Jamie Hills It looks good with a red background
Baylee Rowe According to the description. Suitable for children's hand. The child is satisfied!
Shemar Tromp Band it is okay,but the charger what i buy is from my godd apple watch making that its not working anymore, i'll only try to put in charge maybe half a minute and its not working, i can't believe it, charger is very bad 😞 How i can get charged my fon,i don't doubt and have proof of that, from good watch what i have proudly now it's end of work, hmm how bad charger can broken the best item what i bought and loved 😍 , its shame about that, i'll think that i don't have say nothing more about that, i'm very disappointed and very feeling bad because of my watch, and what now?? ?
Frederic Stark I love it